
2022 Character Creation Challenge: Summary

So, the games have ended, so to speak, and it is time to look back. First, some numbers:

Actual distinct characters made: 30. 

Characters with different versions: 2, with in total 5 variants.

Systems used: 14 to 23, depending on how one counts - are all Gumshoe games one system? All Tiny D6 games? All different variants of HPL Preparatory Academy?

By my count, the system with most characters made was Swords of the Serpentine / Gumshoe, followed closely by Tiny D6 games.

Now for some observations: While I was aware of some of my preferences before the games started, like not being too fond of long equipment lists, some others are new to me. For example, last year I would have said that I am not fond of rolling to generate PCs. After this exercise, I have to phrase that a bit more carefully - I prefer other generation methods with more control over the outcome, but rolling can be fun. That said, my favorites are systems that are less random and make direct use of words from character description for the mechanics, like say Tiny D6 or Swords of the Serpentine.

Another observation I have to make, though my starting recently to play in a Deadlands campaign does certainly add to that, is that I am feeling rather good about Savage Worlds, which I did not see coming. Its origin as a kind of miniatures-based tabletop wargame was hinting that I would not like it, and the rulebook is rather more mechanics-focused and abstracted than I like. But Dante Harrison (plus the not-posted SW version of White Beau) was fun to make, and in the case of HPLPA Swade is the clear winner system-wise for me. Though that does not say anything about the actual play; no idea how PIP or PDQ perform there. SWADE, however, seems to be fun to play, so might just eke out the others there as well.

Another fun thing is that in the end, all games caught my eye. Even the ones more chosen at random; I might have an issue with being easily excited. However, I have already lined up a Tiny D6 to run, and will try to get a SotS campaign off the ground - those two are just too tempting. Tiny D6 just seems like the perfect game for a quick pickup, and quick one-shots, with the option of turning things into something longer, as well as matching and mixing as needed to create the game one wants. It hits a very sweet spot of simple, meaningful mechanics and evocative character generation. And SotS just screams 'play me' - so many cool ideas to build upon, so much room to play in! It also sits on my very comfortable spot of 'GM plus Players with some narrative control'. I will be very disappointed if that one does not get showered with praise upon release, and an Ennie or two. Or five.

Now, looking back at my list of characters I can say that I would be comfortable playing all of these. There are two I am not too keen on, essentially the 'bad' guys. Though none of them are flat-out evil. But there are definitely some favorites. If I had to pick, I would go with:

Irene Langhans (KULT), who just seems like a perfect fit for how I like to play that game. She is already pulling at my heartstrings just by existing.

Imelda Minucci (Swords of the Serpentine), who is based on an image that didn't leave me alone and just became this nice character with hidden depths in both play and skillset.

Lisa Leipzig (Dark Streets and Darker Secrets), because she seems like the type of character who in-game would become very memorable very quickly. An everyday person that is secretly a larger-than-life figure screams memorable scenes.

Endre and Selina, and their Cheeselovers' Tiny Spa on the mountain. I would prefer playing Endre, I think, since I can only play one. They just seem like fun people to spend some time with, for some low-key 'daily life in fantasy land' play. A solid, quiet core to add some other PCs to who bring the shenanigans.

As for me being the GM, I'd hands down choose the Santambrogio family to run a game for, it would be a load of fun to see them try to re-establish the family fortune and status while dodging grandma. Caitlyn McGraw and Chris Lendo come in on a shared second place.

Finally, I didn't get around to making characters for maybe half the games I planned; too many repeats, too many last-second changes of plans. I am fine with that, it just means that I have more games to make characters for next year. And yes, this was a lot of fun, so I am all but certain to come back. 


And TardisCaptain has handed out badges to those who completed the challenge:

Great idea, and a beautiful badge! Thanks!

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