
Day 30: Swords of the Serpentine - Patricio 'Tri' Santambrogio, older brother and house captain

I might still have some other games on my to-do list, but I also want to make more Santambrogios - I feel like Dri and Sti need a big brother. Who is not as disappointing to his family, at least officially. Who might be a bit of a disappointment in reality. A warrior. Time for Patricio 'Tri' Santambrogio to make an appearance.

I think he is the pushover grandson that his grandmother never wanted. But there is a place for everyone, so he was sent to learn the fine art of bludgeoning people to death, missing many bad events happening at home. Currently, he is commanding the house guard. He fully believes the family line about his younger sisters being a disappointment, but also believes his grandmother when she asks him to keep an eye out for them. Just in case. They are family, after all. It helps that he is an honest, family-loving guy - he would look out for his sisters no matter what. But he is happy nonetheless that he does not have to break the family rules to do so and happy that even with the 'rift', grandma still has not abandoned Sti and Dri. Any machinations go right over his head.

I see him as an Honorable, Orderly, Quiet guy. The silent type, but in this case very Weak-willed and Passive, not someone to stand up to family. Very much the opposite of Sti, and I think they will have the kind of complicated relationship siblings sometimes have, with Dri usually playing the neutral part. I think grandma has made sure that as a commander, Tri does leave tasks like driving off unwanted guests to the actual guards - he is good with a weapon, but easily circumvented. The guards themselves will follow him, partially because he genuinely cares for them and is both a good guy and a pretty good commander, partially because they know what his grandmother will do to them if they do not. His favorite things are:

  • Doing as Grandmother says.
  • Someone trying to kill him in a contest of arms.
  • Protecting his charges.

Simple pleasures for a straightforward man. He has 14 Health, and only 4 Morale - do not try to fight him, but embarrass him, and, well... he also has the equivalent of a full plate mail in Armor. More on that later.

Ability-wise I give him Command 2, Nobility 1, and Trustworthy 2. From the Warrior section, he gets Know Monstrosities 1 - for some reason sometimes there will be weird creatures in the mansion, and his grandmother has explained that this is due to an old curse. And not to tell anyone. He does not remember that happening when he was a child, but then again his family probably just protected him from the truth when he was a kid. That is the kind of loving people they are. He also has Spot Frailty 2, and Tactics of Death 4. In other words, he is kind of an unholy terror if anyone ever fights him toe to toe. Well, except if they start insulting or berating him. But who would be that unfair?

Transferring one point from Investigative Abilities to Allies, I give him Ancient Nobility (1), Mercenaries (1), for his work in commanding the house guard (which will be mercs), and Commoners (1) - twice a week he helps his little sister Dri feed the needy, and he generally will help those who have a worse lot than him in life. As much as he can get away with. Some Mercenaries do not like him (Enemies at 1), after all, he commonly fights them in the little skirmishes around the Nobility and probably has killed a few, and likely will have squabbles due to unpaid contracts, or judging specific mercs for their dishonest methods.

His General Abilities are pretty straightforward as well. Some Athletics (4), Bind Wounds (2, always good on a battlefield), Preparedness 8 (very conscientious and orderly), Sway 4 (he is a Commander after all), and Warfare 12. I repeat, do not face him in open combat.

And lastly some Gear:

  • Armor and two-hander I inherited from my great-great-great-granddad Ennio
  • A small, sparsely furnished room in the family mansion
  • The family guards
  • Two days a week when I help Dri feed the needy
  • My family's love and respect

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