
Day 31: Swords of the Serpentine - Ocaer 'Luca' Santambrogio, younger illicit sibling with some weird ... features

Originally I had planned to post some kind of background generation on this day, likely using Paved with Blood to make a cool city for some of my Urban Fantasy characters to roam in. But damn, I had another idea for yet another Santambrogio. This time a rather younger half-brother.

Ocaer 'Luca' Santambrogio is rarely seen outside the family mansion. They are a lot younger than the other three family members we have seen, I'd say the others are in their mid to late 20s, and Ocaer maybe ten years younger than Dri and Sti?  The four are related via the shared father, who has not been inside the mansion, or in contact, in years. Everyone in the family but Grandmother knows Ocaer as 'Luca' only. Ocaer is kind of a semi-secret the family has, living in an attic room they stay at home a lot. Besides Grandmother they most often talk with Tri, and if they leave the mansion, that is usually the family member they accompany. Ocaer's mother has never been seen by anyone in the family.

Only Grandmother knows why... actually only Grandmother knows that Ocaer is a sorcerer, for reasons that might become obvious when reading further. I think Ocaer is Secretive, Insecure, Insensitive, Aloof, and Childish. Yes, their behavior can be a bit unsteady, and it gets worse when they talk to several people at once. It stresses them out. If you'd ask Luca, they would say that the Best Things in Life are:

  • Treats from Nonna
  • Watching people without being seen
  • Drifting in the night skies

Health will be 8 since they are a bit small and bookish, and Morale 10. Strictly speaking, I have screwed up by making the other three Siblings as if there would be three players total, meaning they all were made with one point too much in Investigative Abilities. But who cares? Let's assume we have a latecomer, and the others were made correctly. Luca has Liar's Tell 1, Nobility 1, Servility 2, and Trustworthy 1. They also have Corruption 4, Forgotten Lore 2, and Prophecy 2. Their Allies are Ancient Nobility 1 and the Sorcerous Cabals 1 - I assume that someone there has brought them to the family when found, and there is some contact left. Luca might not even know that; the arrangement was likely done by their grandmother. If so, the cabal who found them has a soft spot for this specific kid. Or maybe plans. Their Enemy is the Church of Denari - I assume there have been incidents where Luca was careless outside, and the Inquisitors are taking an interest. If they ever add some numbers up and conclude that Luca is a Santambrogio, things might heat up. A lot. For everyone.

General Abilities are Athletics and Burglary at 5 each, and both Stealth and Sorcery at 10. The Sorcery will serve to explain pretty much all the others, though. The Spheres are Decay/Entropy, Demonology, Air, and Secrets, and they harm Health. As for Equipment:

  • A couple of rats and pigeons, ready to be ridden by minor demons. And for cuddles.
  • A body with parts that sometimes become... unstable, absent. Nonna tells me not to, and usually, I am good.
  • Lots of different clothing, low quality, always in some state of decay.
  • A voice barely above a whisper, harsh, and weirdly inhuman.
  • A small piece of one of my mother's horns. I miss her.
Interesting times are in store for the Santambrogios indeed. 

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