
Day 1: Stars Without Number - Lisa, the vagabond assassin.

Let’s start with Stars Without Number, a far-distant Space Opera game with OSR-adjacent rules. The rules are available as a free PDF, or as a paid version that contains additional rules for psionics and AI player characters. The game is famous for having tons of mechanics for the generation of content for GMs who want some assistance, and the designer, Kevin Crawford, has made a name for himself by generating high-quality games in different genres with inter-compatible rules that feature extensive, well-made rules for the generation of content. SWN for example allows you to completely generate full sectors, including factions, planets, stations, and so on. The game does make some assumptions about the setting (which can be safely discarded) but assumes players/GM make their own universe, so to speak. Let’s go.

Random generation is the name of the game. First, let’s roll attributes. I am using Sophie’s Dice, a dice roller program I highly recommend. You can get that on both itch.io and Steam.  Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. I can use a pre-made set of values, or roll 6x 3D6. If I roll, I can exchange one dice result for a 14. I get: 14, 15, 12, 6, 8, 7. I exchange the 6 for the 14, so: 

Str 14, Dex 15, Const 12, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 7. This leads to some modifiers derived from each attribute -> Str, Dex, Int yield +1, the others +0.

Next, we either roll or choose a Background. I think Vagabond might be fun, let’s go with that. I get a skill at a basic knowledge level of 0 for that: Survive. I also get to roll or choose some more, let’s roll them. This means I get one more and can roll on a different table that might add to my attributes. Notice, Sneak, and +2 Mental, meaning I can put two points into my Mental Attributes. So, I increase Intelligence to 15, Charisma to 8. Time to choose a class.

Which can be Warrior, Psionic, or Expert. I go for option four: Adventurer, which is essentially none of the above - you pick parts of two of the other three options. This seems fitting for a Vagabond, I think Lisa here has had a colorful past. I am not a fan of Psionics, so let’s mix Expert with Warrior. This means she will get one non-combat Focus, and one combat one.  She will get extra skill points per level for non-psychic, non-combat skills, and a bigger attack bonus and HP increase when leveling up. 

Let’s roll for HP. As a partial Warrior, we roll 1d6+2. Five, for a total of seven, not bad. Lisa also gets an Attack Bonus of +1. Then I choose foci, which are essentially small perks that give added benefits. Any foci can be picked, without limits, plus one combat focus, and a non-psionic, non-combat one for Adventurer. I pick Wanderer (which allows easier travel and survival, and with some training forging of travel IDs and the like), Assassin (which helps with stealth and nasty surprise attacks), and Connected (making Lisa good at making new friends, and getting help from a network of contacts).

For finishing touches, I get to choose a non-psionic skill. SWN is a violent old-school game, and an opportunistic assassin should know how to use at least one weapon. Let’s go with Shoot. I get to determine Saving Throws by looking at a table and end up with Physical 14, Mental 15, and Evasion 14. Then she either goes shopping or picks up an equipment package. The latter seems easier. Lisa grabs a Thief Package, and we are good to go!

Find Lisa here.


  1. Interesting! I have a copy of SWN in pdf from when it came on that I don’t know I ever did more than skim through. This is an interesting intro.

  2. It seems like a fun game, yes. In any case, I find the book already really helpful when playing other space opera games; there are a lot of good GM tools in there.
