
Day 29: Swords of the Serpentine - Cristina Santambrogio, 'Sti', enfant terrible

Yeah, yeah, this game is not leaving me alone. I have the feeling this will become a party, which might be a fitting end for the month. This time: The sister of Adrianna, Cristina. She is quite the opposite in character - couldn't care less about the Church, or the family matriarch (Grandmother), and her favorite place is as far away from commoners as possible. Yes, Cristina is a rather flamboyant member of the upper crust, a black sheep like her twin, but again there is more to that side of the coin. You see, the Santambrogio's do not really do 'severed relationships' when it comes to family. In contrast to her twin, Cristina wants to rebel, though. She does this by collecting sexual conquests, conquering opponents in duels, and pilfering family treasuries.

She has a flair for the Dramatic, is at times a bit Enigmatic, even False. Her tastes are always Extravagant, and when in good company she is quite Locquacious (if only to distract from her other motives). She does enjoy some quiet time with a book and a good glass of wine every once in a while, but would never admit that. She also likes overcoming the rich and powerful, taking what she wants. I could say that her proudest moment was when she killed her cousin-thrice-removed Vinnie in a duel after she was found in flagranti with Vinnie's wife, but in reality that was just last Tuesday. 

She is more healthy than her twin, with all the exercise. However, Adrianna is a bit more stable - surety when it comes to her place in life, something Cristina has not found yet. Her Investigative Abilities are Charm 2, Liar's Tell 1, Nobility 2, Taunt 2, Ridiculous Luck 2 (another ability to gain limited narrative control), Skulduggery 1, and Spot Frailty 2. The last one allows Cristina to spot weaknesses in items, structures, and people - both her rapier and her insults tend to hit home. Her Allies are Ancient Nobility (1) and the Thieves' Guild (1), but the Ancient Nobility is also her Enemy (1) - a string of broken and pierced hearts will do that.

In terms of General Abilities, she has Athletics 4, Burglary 4, Stealth 6, Sway 8, and Warfare 8. 

  • Flamboyant Clothing.
  • A sharp tongue and a sharper rapier.
  • A gondola with a small compartment with refreshments, and a padded cabin.
  • A small book with lists of names, both from amorous encounters and duels.
  • The latest letter coming from grandmother, crumpled and still closed
I feel like the twins are a bit semi-covertly working for the family, though both obviously also have their own agendas. Cristina will groom and nurture conflict with other noble families, and I can see her sometimes do so when carefully steered by her sister. And then someone stops being a problem. I am sure Adrianna similarily could get her to steal a specific item during a ball, and I think that she will also be the dealer taking any hot items off her sister's hands. Sometimes to sell them off, sometimes to hand them over to grandmother. And thus the rebel is actually working for the family still.

The bottom line is that you can find her sheet here.

Now to come up with a third party member.

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