
Day 16: Outgunned Combo 16 - Dino Storm & Mighty Swords

Lottery Result: Dino Storm and Mighty Swords. Mighty Swords is more or less Sword and Sorcery; Magic is always evil (though an exception is suggested), and most importantly the standard difficulties are overwritten to make the Mighty Swords characters far more powerful than the already competent basic Outgunned characters. Now, Dinos and Mighty Hews are already a well-known combo, so that’ll work. And hey, for this one I will break the rules a bit to make things a bit more interesting.

Meet Keldra the Huntress. Keldra left her tribe a while ago to explore Pangaea. She was supposed to become the mate of the chief’s son, and the wilds were always more interesting to her anyway. So she grabbed her closest friend, and the two set out. Since then, she has been wandering, sometimes helping people, sometimes… not.

Role: The Barbarian (MS) – I will modify this one following a suggestion in Dino Storm. There, the idea is to use The Dog Trainer from the World of Killers book to create a character with a dino companion. Instead, I will give the Barbarian a dino, change one of her feats with Dog Trainer ones, and give her one instead of two weapons.

Trope: Animal Lover (DS)

Feats: Mythical Warrior (Axes) – she gets free rerolls for axes, and for a cost can ignore any conditions while using them.

Beware of the Owner – if they mess with her companion things go pear-shaped for them.

Veterinarian – she needs to be able to heal her best friend if something happens.

Flaw: Painfully shy.

Catchphrase: "Snuffles, come on!"

One more point each for Fight and Stunt. She gets a Spear to start with, and her best friend Snuffles.

Name: Snuffles Type: Telmatosaurus Help: Guard Flaw: Drools everywhere

Grit: 3 Brawn: 5 Nerves: 5 Smooth: 3 Focus: 5 Crime: 3

And she also has a sheet!

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