Lottery Result: Mighty Swords and Killing Aliens, shiny! Mighty thews versus creatures straight out of space horror. That works very well!
When the strange insect demons came for Ulfgrim and his people they fought to their last, and they earned their places in the afterlife as wave upon wave of horrors broke against them. But in the end, only Ulfgrim stood, alone on a mountain of corpses whose blood was biting into his very flesh. And just as the remaining hordes were about to add him to the fallen, a strange light enveloped him, and he found himself among strangers. Weird, soft strangers with weird habits and a bizarre unwillingness to fight. They did weird things to stop his wounds from killing him. Then they explained what had happened; the insect demons, “xenomorphs” had spread out over centuries, conquering and destroying cultures on untold numbers of planets. Including his own, 235 years ago. And now they were threatening the small area in space his hosts lived in. And the Argorians, as they called themselves, put "the need for violent confrontation” as they phrased it behind them ages ago. And their automated defenses were pretty good at holding the enemy at bay, but not good enough. So they picked among the doomed troops across time and brought them here to fight. As a reward, they would give their new troops the best weapons, the best support, and, once done, new planets to populate with their people. Summoning more would take time though, and for now only a few of the best warriors were brought in. Time for Ulfgrim to learn to work with the strangest people he had ever seen, and get some revenge…
Role: The Barbarian (MS)
Trope: Scarred Survivor (KA)
Feats: Battle Cry – allows Ulfgrim to remove a Condition or a lot of Grit by yelling a Battle Cry. Once per session, the player has to actually yell.
Bulwark – he wears armor like a second skin, not affected by its bulk.
Not Today – when he has to roll the Death Roulette he rolls twice and chooses the result he prefers.
Flaw: He has problems adapting to modern tech outside of combat
Catchphrase: “Victory or Death!”
To round him out he gets two points in Shoot, a machine gun, and a sword. And, of course, a sheet.
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