
Day 15: Outgunned Combo 15 - Army of Evil & Furious Wasteland

Lottery Result: Army of Evil and Furious Wasteland. Two post-apocalyptic flicks that flick well together.

When the aliens came they didn’t bother to touch down. They just sent some probes, bombs, really, that spread a tailor-made disease. Then the starships left again, and no one knows for how long. Now the world is overrun by zombies, and humanity has found shelter in former military bases and similar easy-to-defend places. 

Mattias Jonson grew up in a small village near Uppsala; when the Event happened he moved with his family to the nearby airbase to start a new life. He trained hard to become a guard, someone protecting the local community and prepping for the day the aliens would make their next move. Except one day someone let in the horde, and while the brave citizens were able to drive the zombies back, many were bitten. There was no cure, but as a small mercy the afflicted weren't killed but just kicked out. Which meant fending for themselves for a few days until the disease took their brains. Mattias was among them.

He had never heard of a zombie that could still remember, could still think. But he can, even now, more than a year later. He isn’t angry that he got abandoned. He is still protecting the community. From the outside. As one of the undead.

The world features fast zombies.

Role:  The Undead Dweller (FW, with the AoE tag that makes him undead)

Trope: Final Girl (AoE)

Feats: Undead (forced by the tag) – changes a few rules about grit, losing limbs, and so on.

Jackal – he can work wonders with scraps and debris.

Carnage – all melee weapons become rather brutal in his hands. Mutilations ‘R‘ Us.

Flaw: He desperately wants people to acknowledge his humanity.

Catchphrase: “Mpf.”

Experiences: My mum's wailing when I was cast out (Scar). As an inhabitant of the Wasteland, he has a scar. Also an additional Death Roulette bullet.

One more point each for Fight and Fix. He has no starting equipment, but does get a sheet.

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