Bonus program: One more character for Swords of the Serpentine. You see, I am playing Hitman, with the new Freelancer update, and had the idea of actually making a full-blown assassin character. Not the ‘as edgy as possible’ stereotype, with black clothing and gear from head to toe etc. No, something a bit more fitting. Let us look at “Mercedes”, born as Nabat Moridi in Dezhakos, Erebos. Nabat lost her parents when she was a teenager when Parvana and Rehan were accused of plotting against the government, heretical thoughts, and demon worship. The last time Nabat saw her parents was when they shoved her out of a window while the temple guards stormed the family home. Nabat was always a good swimmer, and she managed to escape, sneaking aboard a trade ship. Granted, the crew uncovered her within minutes, but they had seen the burning houses. And when Nabat explained who she was, and where she came from, the Eversinkish crew decided to keep her hidden. A few weeks later she emerged from the hold, following some recommendations by one of her new friends to visit a local merchant who might need someone willing to work in selling fine cloth. That was several years ago. Nabat has stayed with Iuri, the merchant who gave her both a job and a home. And she never told him that the accusations were true and that her parents' cult had trained her in the fine arts of killing people. And that she has contacted some local friends, and helps feed their financial needs by killing people for money. And sometimes, priests of the Erebosian God of Fire and Flame find their way to Eversink. They rarely make it out again. Free of charge.
Mercedes is Charming, Friendly, and Enthusiastic. Not many people notice that she is also very Observant. And people who meet her under the wrong conditions often find her very Frightening indeed. For her, best in life are:
- Meoa'aflix benevolence – he is the demon prince of revenge
- Helping Iuri to succeed in life
- An expression turning from satisfaction to horror.
She has 10 Morale and 8 Health. Ability-wise I will spend as if only one other player is in the game – I think she best fits into the smallest group size. This means 14 points to use for Investigative Abilities, and she has Charm 2, Intimidation 1, Servility 2, Trustworthy 1, Felonious Intent 1, Vigilance 1, City’s Secrets 1, Ridiculous Luck 1, Skulduggery 1, and Leechcraft 3. Her Allies and Enemies are Mercanti 1, Thieves’ Guilds 1, and City Watch -1. It might sound surprising, but direct attacks are not her thing. Nabat specializes in getting where no one should be, and quietly placing a few drops of the right substances onto the right plate, or into the right goblet. Accordingly, she has Athletics 2, Burglary 8, Preparedness 8, Stealth 8, and Warfare 4. Some of her old training is left, but since she really cannot afford the wrong person spotting her and maybe recognizing her later, she has let some of those skills lapse.
As for gear?
- Her place in the market, every afternoon, selling colorful clothes to the people.
- A constant smile that only vanishes when she is out to kill.
- A small branding under her left foot, the sigil of Meoa'aflix.
- A set of small bottles containing various poisons.
- Thieves’ tools, carefully embedded in her multiple, brightly colored robes and belts.
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