Lottery Result: District 77 and Star Raiders – crime drama and far-future sci-fi! What was that movie with Sean Connery called again? Ah yes, Outland! I might have to rewatch that one, come to think of it. But looking at the roles available with my self-imposed limitation that character would be a bit hard to create. So, let’s do something else instead, while maybe taking a bit of inspiration.
Saoirse Ken-Levett is the new local constable stationed on DSG Station 532b. The station has a thousand inhabitants, give or take, and is a small cargo hub deep outside the main inhabited areas of the galaxy. A quiet place where mostly dock workers, their families, and support crew live. And of course people running services like the local bars, shops, and so on. Saoirse is one of three cops stationed there, and only one of them has been around for a while. And Capt. Dettson is on the take. The station is a smuggling hub, controlled by a local gang who works with the smugglers. And no one at HQ has any idea.
But recently an "accident" killed two cops, and now two comparative rookies arrive to take their place. Saoirse and her fellow rookie are in for a hell of a time, but she doesn’t know it yet.
Role: The Rookie (D77)
Trope: Logical Thinker (SR)
Feats: First Day – she can have an easier time once per session due to beginner’s luck.
Detective – good for finding clues and the like
Outsmart – her rather broad knowledge of things can help her a lot.
Flaw: She is worried about rocking the boat.
Catchphrase: “Well, if we look at it another way…”
She adds two skill points, one each to Stunt and Shoot. For gear, she starts with a Laser Pistol and a beautiful character sheet.
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