
Day 25: Outgunned Combo 25 – District 77 & Neon Noir

Lottery Result: District 77 and Neon Noir – time to round out the Cyberpunk crew from days 3, 14, and 23 with some kind of law enforcement person. I will use a role from the base game to avoid having yet another Rookie or Solo. Let’s call our character Les Herbing. He is an old character. 

“If this would be a novel worth reading, the whole thing would have started with a Dame with a serious problem looking to hire a former cop. Instead, it started with an ominous email from a darknet account with an attached video showing a dame in cult clothing slitting a throat in some kind of ritualistic setting. Now, when you work the force, you get emails like this all the time. Other cops trying to pull a prank, less-than-upstanding citizens trying to stir shit - usually to create issues for a neighbor. Sometimes it’d be a convict looking for some revenge. Hell, it could have been my ex, but last I checked Iris was still dead from lead poisoning.

What made this one stand out were two things – the dame in the vid was the chief of police. And it was the first of several emails from various accounts pointing me at clues. It took me a while, but the nagging in the back of my brain made me investigate.

And now I am not a member of the force anymore, all my files confiscated. But a last mail warned that this would happen, a minute before Internal Affairs showed up at my desk. The same mail told me to look for someone called “Wild Thing”. Maybe now I will learn who my informant was. I don’t believe for a second that a has been merc fits the bill. But it is the best lead I have left. Time to saddle up.”

Name: Les Herbing

Role: The Sleuth 

Trope: Loose Cannon (D77)

Feats: Detective, Shadow, They Owe Me One, Tormented by the Past (NN). The last one adds another Scar Experience but also adds +1 to all Endure and Cool rolls.

Experiences: Iris looking at me with dead eyes in a shady bar, a gunshot wound in her forehead. (Scar)

The slaughterhouse of The Odd Job Killer, with far too many young faces in the shelves (Scar). 

Iris was a victim of the Odd Job Killer as well; retaliation for when he got to close.

Flaw: Mind like a steel trap - it doesn't let go.

Catchphrase: "Shady. Very shady."

Les gets another point in Detect and Stealth, a shotgun, a phone, and scanner eyes.

And here is his sheet.

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