
Day 22: Outgunned Combo 22 – Wild West & Insert Coin

Lottery Result: Wild West and Insert Coin, Wild West combined with virtual reality/videogame.

The new game “West of Destiny” got rave reviews, which was just that much more annoying – a VR game with explicit pay-to-win, aimed at rather wealthy whales, it was a whole lot of fun. But if you weren’t affluent, you had to work very hard for even low level equipment. When the company offered in-game jobs for in-game currency many people chose to get one. After all, an hour or two a day could get you some cool stuff to use, and what’s the harm?

Indie journalist Samantha Copeland had some thoughts of her own. She saw her friends – and their kids! - play more and more. Work more and more. And some of what she heard about the “in-game” jobs sounded a lot like barely hidden outsourced work. And no one was reporting on it. Even worse, after careful digging she found that quite a few users were found brain damaged. And again, no report. And as far as she can say, all those users were working in-game a long time. But then she ran out of sources and ideas. Until someone with a darknet address sent her a redemption code and a hint to look in the game if she wanted to save lives.

There is a new player in the game. Samity the Gunslinger is in town, and she will figure out what is going on. One way or another.

This is an In and Out game, i.e. a game that plays in the real world and in the virtual world. For this, there should be a second character sheet for Samantha herself made using core Outgunned. In the interest of brevity, I won’t include that one here. Also, since this is an IC game there is a decision to be made on what feats are available in general, and from the start. I will say all WW starting feats and all IC feats – Samantha used the redemption code she got, and it was a cheat code.

Role: The Virtual (IC) Gunslinger (WW)

Trope: Hero With No Name (WW)

Feats: Glitch – Samity can accept a -1 on a roll to bank a +1 for another future roll. Only 1 die max.

Heavy Machine Gun – for 1 Adrenaline she can have one item of choice suddenly in her hand. Any item. That item gets free rerolls on use and vanishes at the end of the scene.


Flaw: Sometimes the Samity avatar glitches

Catchphrase: "My bullets can run faster than you"

Samity gets a point each in Drive (i.e. Ride) and Stealth, a revolver, knife, horse, and a sheet.

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