
Day 1: Outgunned Combo 1 - Rising Dragon & Army of Evil

Here we go! As a reminder, here is the official page of the challenge, and here are the guidelines I gave myself this year.

Time to look at what the randomizer brought us.:

Rising Dragon and Army of Evil, which combines wuxia with the zombie genre. Huh. Ok, that will work.

If you need a description of the process you can find a short description here.

Three years ago a novel pandemic that left the sick as little more than brainless monsters started somewhere in the EU, keen on feeding on the brains of the living. Transmitted via any bloody wound, a bite, or maybe even a scratch, the disease spread rapidly. While infectious within minutes the onset of serious symptoms took a few days, initially, until more recent mutants of the virus came along and shortened that to a few hours. The delay at the start led to the virus spreading around the world before anyone knew what was happening. Most countries on Earth have succumbed to the disease. Still, in most areas haven cities sprung up in which the uninfected, and in rare cases some with immunity, take shelter between hastily erected walls to keep themselves safe. Development of a scientific answer to the disease has been very slow, hampered by the fact that the surviving communities are low on resources, and often lack access to needed equipment. Depending on the area, even things like medicine or bullets are scarce. Food, at least, is often still available, if not in large amounts.

Some soldiers and other adventurers have taken up the task of venturing forth into the infested areas to obtain what is needed. Usually medicine, replacement parts, or research equipment. Or even some of the idiots who thought they could brave the undead without any training. Sometimes they do this for an extra share of rations, or fame, or even as a challenge. Some just realize that it is the best way for them to help their community - like Hao Wanjing. The former greengrocer also happens to be an expert in the centuries-old monkey style of Kung Fu which has been practiced in her family for centuries. The times call for her special skills, and so this seemingly plain woman has stepped up to become the hero her people need.

Role: The Martial Artist (RD)

Trope: Next Door Hero (AoE)

Feats: Monkey Style (this allows this hero to keep enemies at bay with her quarterstaff, which seems useful)

Parkour (fairly obvious)

Spirit of Sacrifice (she can accept a malus on a roll to give a friend a bonus on their next roll, essentially shouldering part of their burden.

Flaw: She cannot resist sweets. They are rare, but she will often find some when out among the undead.

Catchphrase: "Think thrice before acting."

Finally, she gets a quarterstaff, and I add a point each to Awareness and Stealth. She will need those.

And here is the sheet

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