
Day 4: Outgunned - Thras, stellar bodyguard for hire

Thras liked his crew; together they took on a variety of jobs. Originally, Keyan, the captain, hired them as bodyguards for a tense mission to the Keray, but when everyone realized how well they fit in, they joined for good. All of that changed recently. You see, the Intrepid Partridge (*) took on any job not too dangerous, and there is often good money in salvage. Only this time, they found one of the weird wonders of the galaxy - they went deep into the exclusion zone following some information on an old drifter from the Zzarch empire. They even found it. But it turned out the treasure ship, as ancient and seemingly dead as it was, was actually filled with “corpses”. And when they explored the ship, the corpses woke up. Thras’ crew was taken prisoner, and they saw the woken corpses bring a giant creature on board. In the following day cycles, they all were fed a milky substance from that creature's hind gland, and their crewmates slowly succumbed to it, becoming willing servants of whatever that creature was. Only Thras got away - they felt the mind-expanding effects, but their people do not suffer addictions. But they started to pretend. In the end, this allowed them to break out and try for the bridge.

Long story short, a random unplanned jump later, the ship crashed into the waves of an ocean on some remote planet marked as a hinterland. When Thras woke, they barely escaped the wreck. When they reached the closest beach, they saw large tracks and some of that milky substance - the creature is alive. And while they saw quite a few bodies on the wrecked Intrepid, they are fairly certain some people survived. With this place being a hinterland, it is unlikely anyone civilized will ever find them. Worse, if the creature is still alive, there is no telling what it could do to the people living in this place. It took Thras nearly ten of the day cycles of this planet to track down someone from the ship. It was Keyan, clearly selling some of the white drug to a local. Thras observed, and when Keyan tried killing Robin, they intervened. You know the rest.

For Thras, I will use the Action Flicks expansion, to be precise the Star Raiders expansion. We will make Thras as we would a human hero. Their Role will be the Star Raider. They get a point in the attribute Nerves and in the skills Fight, Stunt, Cool, Drive, Shoot, Flirt, Speech, Style, Fix, and Streetwise. For Feats, I chose Alien Diplomacy (Thras is better at interacting socially with aliens) and Shoot First (Thras is excellent at ambushing and surprise attacks). Usually, they’d own a Starship, but I will replace that with an Intertranslator implant that I just made up - it will need a few minutes of listening, then can translate any audible language. Thras also owns a Laser Pistol that he saved from the wreck. Lasers have some special rules, they do not have ammo, and can overload to deliver full auto or covering fire. Overloading means they need to cool down a turn to be used again. Their Trope will be Lonely Stranger, also from Star Raiders. This will give them Brawn or Focus, so Brawn, and one point each in Endure, Fight, Stunt, Cool, Shoot, Survival, Leadership, and Detect. For the final Feat, I choose Marksman - Thras is excellent with anything to do with his guns. Then I add points to Endure and Awareness, and the usual point each for Spotlight, Adrenaline, and Cash. His Catchphrase is “Way of my People”, he cannot turn his back on the weak as his flaw, and his job is Stranded Alien.

And that will be Thras.

 And with that, we have our party for the game of Outgunned.

(*) Very rough translation.

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