
Day 25: Neon City Overdrive Tangier 2064 - Devina "Katar" Radhakrishnan

Katar came up in the streets of Bangladesh and worked her way up to a comfortable place as a special operative in the Achgan security company. When their current charge came to Tangier, where their main competitor Pantheon Ltd. had a major presence and crucial contracts in city security, problems happened. In the end, Katar was left to die while their charge escaped. Broken and nearly dead, she became filled with a deep hatred for both Achgan and Pantheon and still wants to take revenge on both. Broadschouldered and buff, Katar hides her many scars under flowing traditional Berber clothing. Her face has been replaced with a cybernetic faceplate for a while now, showing a perpetual slight sardonic smile. Within the group, she is the one ending threats, often as decisively as noisily. 

Trademarks: Gunfighter (Guns akimbo, Targeter, Steeleyed stare, Flaw: Wanted), Skin: Mil-Spec Grunt (Combat reflexes, Dermal plates, Flaw: Bloodthirsty), Cyberwear: Cosmetic Replacement (Threatening, Unreadable, Flaw: Unable to connect)

Edges: Tactical thinking (Gunfighter), Musclegrafts and Precision Shooter (Mil-Spec Grunt), and Threat tracking (Cosmetic Replacement). Her flaws are Rude and Secretly Lonely. Her Drive is to Kill the Local Branch Head of Pantheon.

For normal gear, she has a motorcycle, a weapons stash, and a medkit. Her specialized gear is Heavy Pistols (Quickdraw, Explosive Rounds, Intimidating, Dual), Combat Armor (Bulletproof, Stun resistance, HUD), Grenades (stun), and a Sniper Rifle (Precise, Armor-piercing). Good rolls for her!

And we will go with Katar for her callsign.

Have a sheet.

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