
Day 14: DoubleZero - Dr. Farouk Madani, surgeon

The next member of this little New York spy party will be Dr. Farouk Madani, once a renowned surgeon from Najaf, Iraq who is currently working in the U.S. Since he wasn’t able to afford a medical license that would allow him to continue his career he started working as an assistant pathologist in a New York hospital. He worked hard, but the cost of living is high in the city, and he is supporting his family home. At the moment he is still hoping that he will get a lucky break at one point, though he is also trying to let his dream of being a surgeon, saving lives again go. He does not know that a lucky break is in the cards for him, but it will be accompanied by a lot of danger.

His Profession will be Medic. Just Medic, he never really wanted to be anything else.  

For his Aptitudes, he has Athletics 5, Creativity 4, Fighting 1, Influence 4, Knowledge 6, Perception 6, Technology 6, and Transportation 3.

His skills, taken from the Profession, will be:

Bedside Manner 4, Emergency Response 4, First Aid 6, Medical Diagnosis 6, Medical Technology 4, Medicine 6, Patient Care 4, Pharmacology 6, Surgery 6, Triage 6. Observation 4, Drive 4.

I did add Observation and Driving, just to have a few more skills to spread points to.

Dr. Madani has Contacts in Medicine and Access to Hospital Pathology as Advantages, and his Disadvantages are Driven to His Dream and Pacifist.

As Henry he gets 4 Hero Points to start the game with.

And that would be Dr. Madani.

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