
Cuticorium - Softwing, who really only wants to have a family

Next up is another palate cleanser, something soft - Cuticorium. It is described by the developer as ‘A microcosm TTRPG of insects and intrigue. Explore the mysterious bug city of the Cuticorium, orchestrate plots for supremacy, and uncover the secrets of the outside world.’ I have played it before, and it is a very fun game using a variant of PbtA.

The eponymous Cuticorium is an area around a tree in which insects gain awareness. And they have built a society, at the heart of which is the ‘Crystal’, the mysterious glowing stone that seems responsible. Another feature of the area is that violence against other bugs is impossible. Predators tend to try to lure other insects outside the Crystal’s range - anyone leaving maintains awareness for a short while, enough to feast and return. Another problem tends to be birds, mice, and the like. And then there are politics, with an ant hive and a bee hive in the area, a university, and so on and so forth.

All of that out of the way, time to get hopping, so to speak. The game doesn’t use playbooks. Instead, players design their insect and choose from a list of Features that provide moves. What to play? How about an Io Moth, Automeris io? They are cute little critters, with a wingspan of maybe 6 to 9 cm. I want big, feathery antennae, so it is a male. Let us call him Softwing.

Softwing will arrive at the start of the first session and will develop a Desire that drives him. How about Softwing wants to build the dream life - Mate, a few caterpillars, enough space and wealth to ensure food supply and moderate safety? Really someone with achievable dreams. He also has a Secret - his egg was deposited on a showy partridge pea plant, together with several siblings. His mother was a bit careless. And, well, he outate the others and was the only one to survive. He barely remembers that, of course, but it still is a real downside to having thoughts. And memories. 

As for Features? He has large, feathery Antennae, meaning he has a special move to notice things other insects cannot, at least not easily. He can usually run in time when others mean him harm, and can more easily explore a new location. And he has Wings, meaning he can fly, evade more easily, and discover and claim new locations with ease. Beyond these, there are several basic moves, and I have to choose one of those as Softwings Panic Move, the thing he does when losing his mind. I think he defaults to Comforting another insect. 

Softwing has no possessions to speak of, but he does have some Webs. Webs are a measure of how well you know a location, another creature, or even yourself. Many movers interact with them. Softwing starts with 3 out of a maximum of 5 Webs on himself, and one Web on the location where he will start the game. I will go with Climb of the Burning Sun, which is at the very top of the Cuticorium. 

And that is Softwing.


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