Informa is a bit of an odd one – she is almost certain that she has a past, and was once a member of a family, had parents, all these things. But something happened, and she doesn’t seem to remember anything from before. Well, there are some odd flashes here and there – if pressed she’d guess that the world somehow shifted, if that makes sense, and now her life before the shift never happened. She, however, is still here. And she has a bit of a problem. You see, not only is her former life a bit of a haze. Her current identity is as well – she has been someone defined once, but after the shift, she got a bit … ‘uncertain’? In any case, she has gained keen insight into how to pretend to be someone else, from the inside out. Sadly she has been so many people by now that she has a hard time remembering who she started out as. Luckily a city like Eversink has a use for her. Informa is a highly sought-after spy. No one knows quite how she does it, or really even what she looks like, but she delivers. Maybe we should see why?
(Note: I think she has made a deal with something bad so as to gain magical power. And it cost her far more than she expected. Now she quite unconsciously tries to forget who she was.)
She tends to be Chaotic, in a quite Subtle way. She is Freewheeling most of the time, but on the job, she is Precise, and can be quite Frightening.
Best in life for her are:
Moments of clarity, when everything just seems to slot into place for one shining moment.
Fitting into a social group that doesn't even know who you really are.
Being someone else.
Her Investigative Abilities are Charm, Intimidation, Liar’s Tell, Nobility, Servility, Forgotten Lore, and Prophecy at 1, Trustworthy at 2, and Corruption at 3. Note that she has no Thief Abilities – she is the ultimate social engineer and bets on being able to get access by being the right person when needed. Her Allies are the Ancient Nobility, and the Mercanti, and she has made some Sorcerous Cabals her enemy – they have an idea of who she is and what she does, and disagree. The Thieves’ Guilds haven’t caught on yet, though. Her General Abilities are Burglary and Stealth at 3, and Preparedness, Sorcery, and Sway at 8.
For Sorcerous Spheres she has Flesh, Personality, and Sounds. Quite scary, and she does wield them ruthlessly. They affect Health, as in ‘Rending Flesh’, or ‘Making someone suicidal’. Her Health is 13, and her Morale is accordingly 5 – she isn’t very brave, and absolutely not grounded in any way. Her molded bodies tend to be sturdy, though. I think in the long run the character would grab some Leechcraft/Bind Wounds, and round out the Social Abilities.
Her iconic gear is a bit weird:
- Ever-changing faces
- Ever-changing clothes
- A birthmark in the shape of a scale in her left armpit
- Whistling tonelessly a song of joy and sorrow
- A piercing stare